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The Power of Language!

Are you someone who is constantly haunted by a personal or professional to-do list? Raise your hand if you feel that your life needs to be more organized. I know mine does. And while this is true for many of us, it is especially true for moms, who usually add a layer of guilt to all the chaos.

This afternoon, I attended an amazing and powerful session by Kathy Paauw of Paauwerfully Organized ( I attend many events, but I don't blog about them. This one, however, was different. I loved everything about it, but there were a few things that really stood out. The following, I feel, are not just important reminders for me personally, but for all my lovely mamas out there:

  1. The language we use towards ourselves plays a huge role in our mental, emotional and physical well-being. We should learn to be intentional in our choices versus being potentially destructive in our negative speech. Compare, for instance, "I choose to..." vs "I have to...".

  2. Taking care of ourselves is NOT selfish; it is the responsible thing to do. Kathy quoted Mother Theresa, "To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it". There should be no guilt in taking time to care for ourselves or to do things that make us happy.

  3. The top two points feed into this third one: if we are intentional in our approach to things, and we take care of ourselves, we are bound to feel more in control of our lives, than feeling like a victim.

And don't forget to count your blessings. Coming from a place of gratitude somehow just makes everything better.

The power of positivity and gratitude | Blessed

Kathy shared some amazing tips, tricks and resources on how to be more productive and manage our time efficiently. Do check her out at

And no, she did not pay me in any shape or form to say any of the above. It is yet another of my public service messages where I share what I feel is a very useful resource for mamas and non-mamas alike.

Here's to an organized, uncluttered life!

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