Five Things I Love About Newborn Photography

I L.O.V.E. newborn photography, whether it is in-studio (with all the props and planning) or lifestyle (totally spontaneous, in baby's home environment). Here are some of my favorite things about newborn sessions:
1. The Precious Little Newborn Baby
The star of the show, a new little human, the one I am photographing is my absolute favorite aspect of newborn photography. Capturing those tiny toes (or toesies, as I like to call them), that sheer innocence, that fleeting smile, that loud cry, and/or that peaceful sleep make these sessions an absolute joy. And the cuddling opportunity I get during the session is a cherry on top.
2. Props, Props, Props
Finding cute baskets, soft wraps, matching headbands, and adorable bonnets, in the colors and themes chosen by the parents get my creative juices flowing. Even when I'm not photographing, I never stop looking for props that I may use for future sessions. Collecting and using these props is the second thing I love most about newborn photography.
3. The Challenges and Continuous Learning
Contrary to popular belief, newborn photography can get pretty challenging. Every infant is unique and unpredictable. Between sleeping throughout the session to crying non-stop, and everything in the middle, newborns challenge their photographers to get good shots while balancing their comfort, needs and safety. But waiting for that magical moment is totally worth it.
4. The Bond between the baby and his/her family
To see a mommy lovingly hold her baby, a daddy proudly gaze, and an older sibling's surprise at how tiny and delicate his/her new baby sibling is, is beyond sweet. I love how I am able to share some of the happiest and most special times of a family with them.
5. The end-product: the photos
Finally, the joy that I see the families experience when they receive their photos makes me fall in love with what I do all over again.